Who we are
Naret SA
Piazza Grande 3
6601 Locarno
Naret Consulting SA
Piazza Grande 3
6601 Locarno
+41 91 220 30 40
Naret SA and Naret Consulting SA together referred to as "the Naret Group."
Terms of use
We ask that you read these terms of use carefully.
By accessing the website www.naret.ch and its pages and contents (hereinafter referred to as "Naret website"), you declare that you have read, understood and accepted the following conditions of use and legal notes, as well as all the material contained therein.
If you do not accept these conditions of use, do not enter other pages of the Naret website.
These conditions of use and the information and material contained in the Naret website are subject to change without notice.
Limited access and geographic restrictions
The Naret website and all information and functions contained therein are not designed for, or intended to be used by, persons residing or located in jurisdictions where the distribution of such information or functions (1) is contrary to applicable laws or (2) is subject to obtaining mandatory licenses or authorizations that Naret SA respectively Naret Consulting SA does not yet have.
The information published on the Naret website provides a description of the Naret Group as a whole. It is possible that products and services presented on the Naret website may not be sold or may not be available to residents of certain countries or to certain categories of investors. Please consult the applicable conditions, such as any sales restrictions or special warnings, for more information.
No bidding and no consulting
The information contained on the Naret website is presented for informational purposes only. The information published does not constitute and should not be construed as an invitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell financial instruments, purchase Naret's services, transact or enter into financial, legal or any other type of transaction. None of the information on the website constitutes financial advice in any way.
The Naret Group does not intend to provide financial, tax or legal advice through the Naret website. The information posted on the Naret website is not a substitute for investment, financial, tax, accounting, legal, or any other professional advice or service to the user. In order to obtain an advisory service, it is necessary to seek professional advice.
Under no circumstances does the user's use of the information on the Naret website constitute a legal relationship of any kind, such as a mandate, between Naret SA and the user and/or between Naret Consulting SA and the user.
No guarantee
The contents of the Naret website have been prepared with the utmost care and to the best of the Naret Group's knowledge and belief. However, the Naret Group makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the correctness, accuracy, completeness, reliability, or timeliness of the information and material contained on the Naret Web site. The Naret Group is under no obligation to remove outdated information from the Naret Web site or to explicitly identify it as such or to update it. The information contained on the Naret website may be changed at any time without notice.
The Naret Group makes no warranty as to the reliability and proper functioning of the Naret website or the server on which the Naret website resides, the absence of interruptions or possible errors, nor the absence of viruses, malware or other harmful elements.
Communication and transmission of data in electronic form (e.g., by e-mail) does not guarantee confidentiality. By using such means to communicate with Naret Group, the user authorizes Naret Group to do the same.
The Naret Group disclaims any liability on the part of itself, its partners, directors and employees to anyone for any loss, liability, cost, claim, disbursement or damage or other direct, indirect or consequential, contractual or extra-contractual and negligence including, arising from or based on
- access to and use of the Naret website, use of its contents or inability to access or use its contents;
- access to and use of external websites linked to the Naret website and use of their content;
- technical defects or misuse of connection.
The disclaimer applies even if the Naret Group had known that such an eventuality might occur.
The Naret Group disclaims any liability for manipulation of the Internet user's system by unauthorized persons. Explicit reference is made here to the danger of viruses and malware as well as the possibility of targeted hacker attacks. In order to protect against viruses, it is recommended to use only up-to-date versions of the browser, to have an up-to-date antivirus installed at all times, and not to open e-mails from unknown sources or attachments to an unexpected e-mail.
The Naret website may host links to third-party websites. By using such links on the Naret website, you may leave this site and be redirected to other providers' websites and their content (external links). The Naret Group places links to external websites next to its website content only as a convenience and to provide additional information to the user.
The Naret Group has no control over third-party websites linked to its site and their content. The Naret Group assumes no responsibility and provides no guarantee regarding their correctness, accuracy, completeness, reliability, topicality or suitability for specific purposes. Any liability of the Naret Group, in particular for any direct or indirect damage or consequence resulting from the use of the contents and websites of third parties linked to the Naret website is excluded. The use of links to third-party websites is solely at the user's own risk.
Social Bookmarks
The Naret website may contain social bookmarks, identifiable by their respective icons. Social bookmarks allow users of social media platforms to post a link to a particular page on the Naret Group website to their social media profile in order to save it as a favorite or share it with their contacts. If you use social bookmarks, you will send identifying data to the selected social media platform. Any comments or activities resulting from sharing via social bookmarks are not controlled, approved or monitored by the Naret Group, and the Naret Group will not be responsible or liable for such content. Those who share Naret Group communications via social bookmark are not authorized to represent or speak on behalf of Naret Group, and their ideas or opinions are unrelated to Naret Group. In addition, the provisions contained in the Links section of this Disclaimer also apply to social bookmarks.
Copyright, website and trademark ownership
The entire content of the Naret website is protected by copyright. The Naret Group holds all rights. No section of the Naret website grants or should be construed as granting a license or right to use an image, trademark, or logo. Storage or printing of individual pages and/or parts of the website is permitted, provided that neither copyright notices nor other legally protected designations are removed. Reproduction (in whole or in part), transmission (electronically or by other means), modification, linking or use of the Naret website for public or commercial purposes without prior written permission from the Naret Group is prohibited. All ownership rights remain with Naret Group. The Naret Group reserves all rights to all elements of the website.
Electronic communication
Ordinary e-mail messages sent via the Internet are neither confidential nor protected. They can be read by third parties, lost, intercepted or altered. E-mails may be transmitted outside national borders even if the sender and recipient are in the same country.
The Naret Group assumes no liability, either to you or to anyone else, for any damages incurred in connection with the sending of ordinary e-mail or other electronic messages to the Naret Group.
Applicable law and legal venue
This disclaimer / these terms of use are governed exclusively by Swiss law.
In case of disputes, the Locarno District Court is considered the exclusive place of jurisdiction.
These conditions and legal notices were updated on August 5, 2022. If you have any questions or comments about the disclaimer, you may contact us at info@naret.ch.
This disclaimer is written in Italian and English. In case of discrepancies between the two versions, the Italian version is decisive.